Copyright © 2024 Third Born Entertainment, Inc.
Third Born Entertainment provides AOR video services for Cannabis Producers in Alberta. According to Health Canada and the Cannabis Act., Cannabis producers are required to provide a video walkthrough as a part of their Affirmation of Readiness evidence package.
Completion of the AOR or COR involves certifying the readiness of the facility itself and producing an attestation video and comprehensive report with evidence supporting the Company’s adherence to Health Canada’s standards and requirements for Cannabis Licensing. Submitting your evidence package is the final step in the process of becoming a licensed producer of cannabis.
We’ve worked with numerous cannabis producers across Canada and have an in-depth understanding of what inspectors are looking for in the video walk-through in your Confirmation of Readiness package.
Our videographers utilize the latest video production technology specific to the Cannabis industry. By applying a Method Seven Camera filter we are able to capture amazing, perfect color shots inside your grow!
Contact Us Today to Start a Conversation.